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Reasons to Have the Estate Planning Talk with Your Loved Ones

published 11/3/2016

Any family conversation about money can be a difficult one, especially when it approaches the subject of mortality and estate planning. Feelings about money and emotions get tied up in conversations about estate planning, bringing forward challenging emotions like fear, lack of confidence, shame, and concerns about dignity.


It can be difficult to discuss what planning has already been accomplished and what needs to be handled yet. It's a good idea to focus on one isolated issue at a time such as updating beneficiary designations. Frequently this can trigger a bigger discussion about estate planning and family finances. Starting with one small aspect allows an older parent particularly to accomplish a goal and have a small win while also beginning to think about the broader implications of their estate plan as a whole.


An experienced estate planning attorney can take the process from here, helping to craft an overall strategy that addresses the family's needs and the individual's needs all at the same time. Although the talk is not always easy to have with your family members, it is certainly one that is important and can help to lay the groundwork for a successful transition of assets when the time comes. Do not hesitate to reach out to an experienced Ohio estate attorney as soon as possible if you need to have this conversation with your loved ones.

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