Five Occasions to Set Up a Meeting with Your Estate Planning Attorney
published 6/13/2023
Most people are under the impression that they will not benefit from estate planning because their estate is too small, they don't have children, they are unmarried or any other of the broad range of myths that keep you from engaging in this important planning process.
While estate planning is important for everybody, there are five key issues in your life that should prompt you to reach out to a knowledgeable estate planning attorney to talk about your options.
If you don't already have an estate plan, these should be your trigger to create one and when these changes occur in your life, it's also a great opportunity to set up a meeting with your existing estate planning attorney. These changes are:
- New home
- Children
- New Business
- Remarriage
- Divorce
- Marriage
Any of these changes in your personal life, your goals, as well as existing laws at the state and federal level are all opportunities for you to revisit your estate planning. If you put if off until now, take advantage of this opportunity to make it a goal to have a meeting with a knowledgeable estate planning lawyer prior to the end of 2023.
You can credit this as an early New Year's resolution you are likely to achieve. Set up a meeting with an Ohio estate planning attorney now.